Preparing Your Wisconsin Home for Fall: Essential Maintenance Tips

As the vibrant colors of fall start to adorn Wisconsin, homeowners should begin preparing their homes for the cooler months. At Legacy Realty Group, we understand the importance of seasonal maintenance to ensure your home remains in top condition. Here’s our comprehensive guide to getting your Wisconsin residence fall-ready.


Gutter Cleaning and Inspection

Fall means beautiful foliage, but it also means leaves and debris accumulating in your gutters. Ensure they’re cleaned out to prevent blockages. While you’re at it, inspect for any damages or leaks and address them promptly.


Seal Gaps and Cracks

Wisconsin’s fall can get chilly, and you’ll want to keep the warmth in and the cold out. Inspect your home for any gaps or cracks, especially around windows and doors, and seal them. This not only ensures comfort but also energy efficiency.


Furnace and Heating System Check

Before the temperatures drop significantly, have your furnace and heating system inspected and serviced. Replace old filters and ensure everything is working efficiently to keep your home cozy throughout fall and into winter.


Roof Inspection

Wisconsin’s winters can be harsh, so it’s crucial to ensure your roof is in top condition. Check for any missing or damaged shingles and address any potential issues before they become major problems.


Lawn and Garden Care

Prepare your lawn for the colder months by raking up leaves and aerating. This is also the perfect time to plant fall flowers and bulbs for spring. Ensure garden tools and equipment are cleaned and stored properly.


Safety First: Check Detectors

With increased use of heating systems and potential holiday lighting, ensure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are functioning correctly. Replace batteries if needed and test each device.


Prepare Outdoor Areas

Store away summer furniture and prepare your outdoor spaces for the colder months. If you have a deck, consider sealing it to protect against moisture. Disconnect garden hoses and, if possible, shut off outdoor water valves.


Chimney and Fireplace Inspection

If your Wisconsin home boasts a fireplace, ensure the chimney is cleaned and inspected. This not only ensures efficiency but is crucial for safety.


In conclusion, as the beauty of fall envelops Wisconsin, taking the time to prepare your home can ensure a comfortable and worry-free season. At Legacy Realty Group, we believe in the value of proactive maintenance, and we’re here to assist you every step of the way. Embrace the autumn months with confidence, knowing your home is well-prepared.

By |2023-10-17T15:02:08+00:00October 17th, 2023|Buying, Selling|0 Comments

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